
This is my first post ever! It is also my first time making broomstick lace. I was so excited about how cool it looks that I finally decided to start a blog just so I could share it with someone (I sort of figured my mom and my sister were getting tired of the constant texts about every new thing I started making. I started being married to my crochet hooks while I was too pregnant to sit at my sewing machine, baby is now 10 months old and I still haven’t been able to put them down. I knew I needed an outlet for creativity that would allow me to sit on the couch with baby nearby that I could easily put down/pick up whenever I was needed/not needed. I started making doilies because I enjoy doing intricate things but decided my house had no more surfaces left to put them. Thanks to the promptings of my sister to sell the things I make, I moved on to hats, and scarves, and shawls, and cowls, and fingerless gloves (because come on, really, who wants to make the fingers?) Aaaanyway, I was talking about broomstick lace. This will be a scarf when it is finished, I got the pattern from the LionBrand Yarn website, they offer THOUSANDS of free patterns, I also almost exclusively use their yarn (no, they aren’t paying me, it’s just really good yarn) We all have our favorite brand of clothing or purses, or shoes, why not have a favorite brand of yarn? There I go, off on a tangent again, I suppose I should have wrote an “about me” page before I started this post. The pattern for the scarf called for using a speedstick (25mm knitting needle) to hold the loops for the lace, which I don’t have, but I do have 12.5mm needles so I thought “well, hey, I can just try a double wrap for each loop and see if it works” necessity is the mother of invention after all.


It maybe took a little more time but the loops come back off cleanly and it looks great so I’m just going to keep going!